


New Dynamics for SME and Cluster internationalisation

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EuroMed@Change is a pilot project launched early 2013, proposing new dynamics for SME and cluster internationalisation between Europe and 4 targeted partners countries: Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon.

The project brings together four organisations from across Europe: ANIMA Investment Network, European Business & Innovation Centre Network (EBN), INNO AG and the Fondation Sophia Antipolis, together with more than 45 associated businesses, finance and innovation networks. Together we aim to mobilise the best entrepreneurs with high growth projects between the two rims of the Mediterranean.

The EuroMEd@Change Soft Landing Programme exists to assist up to 30 innovative companies by offering an easy and practical solution to each individual business under the support of selected top class business incubators and cluster organisations. The aim is to accelerate foreign companies’ learning processes, to help make new contacts in new markets (countries) and to provide access to the resources and intelligence necessary to meet specific business goals.

For additional information regarding the call, follow this LINK

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